••• Current position: Rybka team
Rybka engine
Computer chess
Rybka team

Vasik Rajlich
Vasik Rajlich
Age: 53
Profession: software developer, now Rybka developer
Hobbies: chess (international master), all sports, movies, Washington Redskins
Current residence: Warsaw, Poland

Lukas Cimiotti
Lukas Cimiotti
Hardware expert
Age: 65
Profession: physician
Hobbies: computer hardware, computerchess, electronics, collecting watches and marine chronometers
Current residence: Minden/Westfalen, Germany

Jeroen Noomen
Jeroen Noomen
Opening book author
Age: 58
Profession: IT-support insurance company
Hobbies: chess, computerchess, collecting dedicated chess computers of the 1980's, listening to music, watching movies & sports, cycling
Current residence: Apeldoorn, the Netherlands

Jiri Dufek
Jiri Dufek
Opening book author
Age: 50
Profession: IT system administrator
Hobbies: chess (FIDE Elo 2276, 2576 ICCF, 2306 national), computerchess, collecting chess books, music
Current residence: Usti nad Labem, Czech republic

Iweta Radziewicz
Iweta Rajlich
Age: 43
Profession: chess player (FIDE Elo 2450)
Hobbies: reading, basketball, music
Current residence: Warsaw, Poland

Felix Kling
Dr. Felix Kling
Age: 37
Profession: physico-chemist
Hobbies: chess (also as a trainer), programming, vector graphics
Current residence: Mainz, Germany

Christoph Kling
Dr. Christoph Kling
Website designer
Age: 37
Profession: programmer
Hobbies: cooking, food, movies
Current residence: Cologne, Germany

Larry Kaufman
Larry Kaufman
Age: 77
Profession: Chess teacher/writer/competitor (FIDE GM, Elo 2369)
Hobbies: Shogi (personal info page), Go
Current residence: Potomac, Maryland U.S.A.

Hans van der Zijden
Hans van der Zijden
Age: 65
Profession: Poker player, Chauffeur, Chessteacher
Hobbies: Rubik's Cube, Computerchess, Chess, Computers
Current residence: Duivendrecht (Amsterdam), the Netherlands

Nick Carlin
Nick Carlin
Opening book author and operator
Age: 61
Profession: IT Consultant
Hobbies: Music, Astronomy, Computer Chess
Current residence: 50 miles north of London, UK